
Finnish abbreviations – B

Bakt.Lab. bakteorologiset laboratoriot (Bacteriological Laboratory) Bj.Reg. Björneborgs regemente (Porin rykmentti) (Björnebergs Regiment (swedish; Pori Regiment)) Bro.Lo Bromarvin lohko (Bromarvi Sector)...
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Finnish abbreviations – A

A armeija (Army) Ään.RPr. Äänisen rannikkoprikaati (Ääninen Coastal Brigade) AE armeijan esikunta (Army HQ) AHSP Aunuksen heimosoturipataljoona (Aunus Kindred Warrior...
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Finnish abbreviations – D

D divisioona (Division) DE divisioonan esikunta (Division HQ) Div divisioona (Division) DS divisioonasairaala (Division Hospital) A| B | C |...
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Finnish abbreviations – E

e. elintarvike (Provisions) esk. eskadroona (Squadron) E esikunta (HQ) EH Etelä-Hämeen suojeluskuntapiiri (Etelä-Häme Civil Guard District) EJp. elintarvikejakopaikka (Provisions Distribution...
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Finnish abbreviations – H

h.ks. haihtuva kaasu (Volatile Gas) h.leko hävittäjälentokone (Fighter Aircraft) h.lv. hävittäjälaivue (Fighter Squadron) hin. hinaaja (Tug) hjä hävittäjä (Destroyer) hll....
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Finnish abbreviations – I

imt. ilmamaihinlaskuntorjunta (Anti-airborne Defence) is. iskusytytin (Impact Fuse) I-SVP Itä-Suomen Viestipataljoona (Itä-Suomi Signals Battalion) I/1.RPr. 1. rannikkoprikaatin I linnakkeisto (I...
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Finnish abbreviations – J

j joukkue (Platoon) jk.os. joukko-osasto (Detachment) js. jäänsärkijä (Icebreaker) jv jalkaväki (Infantry) Jaa.sp. Jaakkiman sotilaspiiri (Jaakkimaa Military District) JK jalkaväen...
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Finnish abbreviations – K

k.kan.ptri kenttäkanuunapatteri (Field Gun Battery) k.ptri kenttäpatteri (Field Battery) k.tyk.rykm. kenttätykistörykmentti (Field Artillery Regiment) kan. kanuuna (Cannon) kan.psto kanuunapatteristo (Cannon...
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Finnish abbreviations – L

leko lentokone (Airplane) lh.psv. liekinheitinpanssarivaunu (Flamethrower Tank) lk lyhyt kanuuna (Short Cannon) lke linnake (Fort) lkm.sk. landskommuns skyddskår (Landkommun Civil...
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Finnish abbreviations – M

m-rh. muona- ja rehu (Provisions And Fodder) m. mies (luetteloissa) (Man (used In Catalogues)) m. muona- (Provisions) m.kyn. marssikynnys (March...
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The Republic of Finland may have celebrated its 100th birthday in 2017 but its military history stretches back centuries. Unfortunately though the vast majority of its history, along with the lessons and stories, isn’t translated into the English speaking world.

This site is my attempt to try and rectify this.

The military history of Finland can be divided into four distinct periods, with numerous sub-periods within it, but we are mainly going to look at the main divisions. The first period being the ‘Pre-Swedish Era’, the second is the ‘The Swedish Empire Era’, Third the ‘Grand Duchy of Finland/Russian Empire Era’ and the fourth being the ‘Independent Republic of Finland/Modern Era’.

Alongside these main sections, there are several side sections such as Finland at War Map where you can see where various places of significance are; Book Reviews for my own opinions upon related books; and the Podcast.


I look forward to continually adding articles looking at this interesting but often overlooked area of Military History.

Finnish signal corps